What We Do
Thoreau Elementary PTO exists to foster a greater sense of community by increasing access to the school in an all-inclusive approach for families and specifically the children in our community.
Back to School Night - greet & treat
Fall pizza night in the park
Tico Trot (overall PTO fundraiser and fun event for all which typically supports a larger purchase for the school - climbing wall, REACH STEAM cart, etc.)
Talent Show
Ice Cream Social
Thoreau Green Space Work Days (outdoor classroom, landscaping, and garden work for families building community and improving our school!)
All-school park meetups
Parent coffee & donut gatherings
Transportation to/from all PTO sponsored events as needed
$3500 to Thoreau Social Worker Discretionary Fund (used for a myriad of things to support our students and families)
Communication with families via backpack mail, school email in partnership with the principal, Facebook posts, and this PTO website to ensure info is accessible
Annual yearbook for all students
Shared holidays in partnership with school Social Worker via Amazon wish lists and/or other events
Partnership with Thoreau's Adopt-A-School partners to serve the school's needs
Staff welcome back breakfast & lunch
Teacher Appreciation week + individual position days (National Custodian Day, Nurse Day, etc.)
Fall & spring conference meals for staff working evenings
$75 reimbursement per staff member for classroom expenses
Scholastic Book Fair support to help purchase March Madness books for school library (including a book/opportunity to participate for all students)
Sponsorship of special programming (Opera for the Young, Land Acknowledgement Ceremony, other assemblies, etc.)
Safety Patrol supplies & end of year celebration